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Shut down in a sentence

  up(3)  down(1)
Sentence count:182+8Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: closeclose downclose upfoldSimilar words: put downcut downput down toshutshut outshuttleoutdooroutdoorsMeaning: v. cease to operate or cause to cease operating. 
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91. So potent is the tradition of Czech cafe society, that most cafes were shut down after the Communist takeover in 1948.
92. At least 43 deaths were blamed on the storm, which shut down virtually all travel except rail.
93. Every two years, the plants are shut down for major overhaul.
94. A glitch in the system shut down telephone service to nearly 6 million customers.
95. The mine was shut down last August after a spill of polluted water from a waste pond flowed into a nearby river.
96. Will the Labour party shut down the new gas-fired generating stations, break those contracts and lay off the men?
97. CompuServe recently shut down direct access to certain newsgroups containing indecent photographs and material.
98. Unfortunately, few activities can be shut down for set periods, most being operational all the year round.
99. By the time that the third stages engine had shut down the Apollo astronauts were in orbit.
100. The mine was in use for 60 years, but played out and shut down in 1943.
101. In fact, chair lifts are shut down more often because of too much snow, rather than too little.
102. A total shut down of loose chit-chat on the air waves.
103. We did this or we shut down and if they wanted the latter we should shut down our plants immediately.
104. The plant's two reactors were shut down in February 1991 after safety fears.
104. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
105. The ground guide drew his hand across his throat, signaling me to shut down the ship.
106. A company statement that these might shut down plants implies that their polluting operations would otherwise continue.
107. About every 100 minutes or so during sleep, both the norepi and serotonin systems virtually shut down.
108. The second incident occurred when Reactor 3 shut down automatically on November 15.
109. Before the film was released, Hearst tried to have it shut down.
110. But local union officials want to shut down all the existing committees and begin again from scratch.
111. The newspaper, La Prensa, was shut down for nearly two years because of its criticism of government policies.
112. But the tobacco industry has already said that it will shut down if 3,000 farms are seized.
113. The trouble comes when the analytical mind is shut down by restimulation and the auditor is seeking the ally computation.
114. One of the worst offenders, the Polam lighting factory at Rzeszow, has already been shut down.
115. The technique allows manufacturers to shut down unofficially imported electronic goods.
116. Skaters on the rink last night were given only minutes to leave before it was suddenly shut down.
117. He shut down upon his anger and sat down.
118. He shut down upon his anger.
119. This federal agency was shut down for featherbedding.
120. That prevents a safety system from kicking in, which would shut down the plant before it could self-destruct.
More similar words: put downcut downput down toshutshut outshuttleoutdooroutdoorswithout doubtget downset downbeat downget down towash upfinish upnext dooreminent domaindowndownsgo downshadowwidowrun downhand downhold downlay downdo withlie downshadowyfall down
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